 I had … [read full article]
the text is philosophical and abstract, with a focus on exploring complex ideas and making connections between seemingly disparate concepts. The writing style is analytical and precise, with a heavy emphasis on technical terminology and scientific explanations.
the text is philosophical … [read full article]
The writing is a complex and abstract stream of consciousness that explores the limitations of human perception and the role of language and mathematics in our understanding of reality. The author questions the validity of paradoxes and suggests that they are simply a result of our biological limitations. They use metaphors such as “fish trying to understand drinking” to illustrate the difficulty of understanding the nature of spacetime. They also explore the concept of the present moment and suggest that while it does exist, our perception and assumptions of it are biologically limited. The author discusses the role of language and mathematics in constructing a version of reality that is befitting for humans, but suggests that this version may not accurately reflect reality. They also explore the behavior of light and electrons and how our perception of them may be limited by our own biological limitations. Overall, the writing is abstract and philosophical, questioning the very nature of our perception of reality and the tools we use to understand it.
The writing is a … [read full article]
This writing style can be classified as a “Reflective Candid Anecdotalist”. The author uses personal experiences and reflections to explore the limitations of language in communicating ideas and emotions. The writing is meandering and contemplative, with the author expressing their thoughts and feelings in a stream-of-consciousness style. They emphasize the importance of connection and understanding, even if agreement is not necessary. The author also explores the power of communication to store and forward ideas through time, with feedback being a key factor in influencing and inspiring others.
This writing style can … [read full article]
Based on the description, the candid anecdotalist could be classified as a “Reflective Candid Anecdotalist” as they are able to analyze and reflect on their own writing style and influences. They are also self-aware of their writing style and able to recognize how it fits into the broader classification of “candid anecdotalist”.
Based on the description, … [read full article]
Now knowing that I fall into the family of “candid anecdotalist”, classifying what /how I’m writing seems easier suddenly. a long text (one that ended up with the notion of “candid anecdotalist” – the road going through David Sedaris and then back again, then turning David Sedaris into Kenneth Udut and contrasting) becomes easier to have it analyze.
Now knowing that I … [read full article]
As a lover of magical realism, I’ve always been drawn to the idea that the world is filled with wonder and mystery, if only we know where to look. And in my own life, I’ve had more than my fair share of strange and wondrous experiences.
Write in a candid … [read full article]
Write in the style of a Candid Self-Anecdotalist.
Write in the style … [read full article]