Evolution is a process. … [read full article]
I’ve noticed that I have a pattern of explore, retreat, explore within retreat, then back to explore.
I’ve noticed that I … [read full article]
UI / ergonomics / human-device-interface stuff has been a fascination of mine since I first heard about it way way back and UI / ergonomics / human-device-interface stuff has been a fascination of mine since I first heard about it way way back and I occasionally indulge in it. I occasionally indulge in it.
UI / ergonomics / … [read full article]
Good question and not sure. i know when I get a notion that feels novel and groundbreaking, I run with it, if i have the time/energy/space/resources to do so, until its run its course. Usually I have an output of some kind – something I can show. I think it used to be called a deliverable? I dunno. It’s usually nothing much but it’s mostly to prove to myself that “I was there and did this thing about that new something”. But then there’s the late stage capitalist guilt of “yeah-but-how-profitable-is-this?” which is good at killing ideas before they have a chance to cross over. The winning thing though is based on my own sense of novelty-to-myself, so the late-stage-capitalist guilt doesn’t pick the winner but it does shoot down a lot of potentially good candidates just the same before they have much of a chance to see the light of day.
Good question and not … [read full article]
There’s probably much better definitions but I like this one as it’s easy to quickly comprehend. Some definitions are intermediate level – more precise but for a sound-bite audience a succinct definition is nice to have. For example: define intersectionality. It’s not a difficult concept but many definitions get confusing.
There’s probably much better … [read full article]
“I always reply when asked if it’s me, is: “Speaking; Who am I speaking with?” Said it daily for 23 years at work. It avoids saying yes.”
“I always reply when … [read full article]
Still at that verge. Many candidates
Still at that verge. … [read full article]