I’m glad I’m a … [read full article]
Of course, the person who goes, “everybody else is a snowflake” reads like this to me :P
Of course, the person … [read full article]
That said, I take all genealogy with a grain of salt
Perhaps but I already … [read full article]
I like giving amounts that leave me with big change. So, if the bill is $7.37, I might give $7.62 and wait for my quarter back. 7 out of 10 cashiers get really confused but they always figure it out… eventually.
I like giving amounts … [read full article]
Interesting thing: 45 mins ago, ne comes out with a Canadian penny. He’s all proud of having a Canadian penny. Wants to know the exchange rate. We look it up. Have a discussion about the composition of it – I notice it’s light and has some shiny zinc showing so he agreed with my conclusion that perhaps there’s an atom thick layer of copper on the outside, like the US penny, and that’s about it. So, Canadian exchange rate is topic.
Interesting thing: 45 mins … [read full article]
Florida received a lot of support after Hurricane Irma but not unprecedented. Hurricane Katrina probably received the biggest response. “By Sept. 7, 2005, nine days after Katrina made landfall, operations included 17,417 active-duty troops, 42,990 National Guardsmen, 20 U.S. ships, 360 helicopters and 93 military planes, according to a Congressional Research Service report” and that’s only counting military response. I hope Puerto Rico gets the response needed. Category 5 would have devastated anybody.
Florida received a lot … [read full article]
The hurricane was apolitical. Category 5 hurricanes are devastating to almost everything. The response should be apolitical. I’m probably missing your point here.
The hurricane was apolitical. … [read full article]
Uploaded by Kenneth Udut… [read full article]