Concurrent lines intersect. Like … [read full article]
Skew lines aren’t parallel yet they don’t touch, just like parallel. No intersection. Unrequited.
Skew lines aren’t parallel … [read full article]
So, if you were a 1 dimensional straight line in a 3 dimensional space, what would you consider your “LEFT” side? LEFT would be a plane that crosses you. That would make you RIGHT”. Perpendicular is the opposite of parallel. What happens at the point of crossing? That’s where things get really interesting.
So, if you were … [read full article]
Concurrent lines intersect. Like perpendicular, interesting things happen where things meet. [see Knot Theory for one example]
Concurrent lines intersect. Like
… [read full article]Skew lines aren’t parallel yet they don’t touch, just like parallel. No intersection. Unrequited.
Skew lines aren’t parallel
… [read full article]This is equivalent to saying, “a whole number such as “3” is a special case of a decimal, being 3.0000000 instead of 3.000001 , 3.00000000007 etc.
[this is wrong but
… [read full article]So, if you were a 1 dimensional straight line in a 3 dimensional space, what would you consider your “LEFT” side? LEFT would be a plane that crosses you. That would make you RIGHT”.
So, if you were … [read full article]
Strange thought crossed mind: If I were a photon, I would want to reach a nose. Hear me out. To start, If I were a photon that wanted to reach the inside of the back of a skull, I would want a way in. I would want an eye. But I would want as many of my fellow photons to get in there too, so I might want two, one for each polarization of light. My left and right circular polarization would get equal opportunity. But what would left and right look like to a photon, who does not have a ground-plane to establish left and right? Like perpendicular. Left = (up and down). Right = (left and right). (minus -) = UP AND DOWN. (positive +) = LEFT AND RIGHT. But then, I wouldn’t want each polarization to get confused as they entered the head, because not all would go straight in. What about those photons trying to enter from the sides of the outside of the head? They’d miss out wouldn’t they? And for that, I might invent a nose. More fellow photons can get in from a lot of directions into the round head to reach inside, while also keeping left and right distinct from each other. [No, we don’t have one eye for each polarization. I’m just thinking theoretically]
Strange thought crossed mind:… [read full article]