pocket touchscreen device that beams to cheap tvs.

What I want to see now, is so damn simple, I don’t know why there’s so little of it:

Pocket devices with touch screens and Wifi with decent refresh rates and the appearance of seamless operation.

Your pocket devices beams video to cheap, large TV’s.


There’s some experimenting with that with the WiiU and I think Playstation does something (I think they started it) but they really have to do more… oh, and I saw something for the xBox as well and the Android… but anyway… it’s the way things need to go everywhere.  But that’s only a couple of years away from ‘everywhere’.

Still, gaming controllers will remain because of the sheer ABUSE they can take – just like keyboards.  I would have cracked a touchscreen full sized keyboard long ago. i pound when I type.
[broke every keyboard I own… keys fly everywhere after a while.  I have pictures]

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