While I might change a name or two, this is quite close. Compatibilism is key but so is phenomenology but so is neuroscience. Spirituality as a vehicle for Compatibilism made sense, although I was surprised to see it made central.
Short: Pheno-Neurospirituality
Me: “Phenomenological Neurospirituality”?
“Phenomenological Neurospirituality” seems like a unique term, combining three distinctive disciplines: phenomenology, neuroscience, and spirituality. As this term does not appear to be widely recognized as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, let’s break down the individual components to give you a sense of what this concept could potentially mean.
1. Phenomenology: This is a philosophical approach that emphasizes the subjective experiences and consciousness as a foundation of understanding human behavior and the human mind. It involves the exploration of phenomena from the perspective of the individual experiencing them.
2. Neuroscience: This is the scientific study of the nervous system, including the brain. It seeks to understand the biological basis of cognition, behavior, and consciousness.
3. Spirituality: This is a broad concept with many interpretations, generally involving a sense of connection to something greater than oneself, and often includes a search for meaning in life. It can involve belief in a higher power, the interconnectedness of all life, personal growth, or a quest for inner peace and enlightenment.
Therefore, “Phenomenological Neurospirituality” might refer to an interdisciplinary approach to studying spirituality by considering both subjective experiences (phenomenology) and the neurological basis for those experiences (neuroscience). This could involve studying spiritual experiences, such as feelings of transcendence or connectedness, from both a subjective perspective (how individuals describe and make sense of these experiences) and a neuroscientific perspective (what is happening in the brain during these experiences). This combination might aim to provide a fuller understanding of spirituality and its role in human life.
As with any interdisciplinary approach, it’s crucial to remember that definitions can vary greatly and that this concept might be interpreted or implemented differently depending on the researcher or practitioner.
Me: “what would be a long list of thinkers useful for such a study?”
Creating an interdisciplinary study of “Phenomenological Neurospirituality” would likely draw from a range of fields such as philosophy, cognitive science, neuroscience, psychology, religious studies, and more. Here is a list of significant thinkers across these disciplines, whose work might be relevant to this area of study:
1. Edmund Husserl
2. Martin Heidegger
3. Maurice Merleau-Ponty
4. Jean-Paul Sartre
5. Max Scheler
Neuroscience and Neurophenomenology:
1. Antonio Damasio
2. V.S. Ramachandran
3. Oliver Sacks
4. Francis Crick
5. Gerald Edelman
6. Francisco Varela (Co-founder of the field of Neurophenomenology)
Psychology and Neuropsychology:
1. Carl Jung (Notable for the concept of Collective Unconscious)
2. Sigmund Freud
3. William James
4. Daniel Kahneman
5. Antonio Damasio
Spirituality and Mysticism:
1. William James (Also important in psychology)
2. Aldous Huxley
3. Carl Jung
4. Evelyn Underhill
5. Mircea Eliade
Transpersonal Psychology and Psychotherapy:
1. Abraham Maslow
2. Stanislav Grof
3. Carl Rogers
4. Ken Wilber
Mindfulness and Meditation:
1. Jon Kabat-Zinn
2. Richard Davidson
3. Matthieu Ricard
4. Thich Nhat Hanh
Interdisciplinary Studies:
1. Sam Harris (Neuroscience and Spirituality)
2. Ken Wilber (Integrative Studies)
3. Iain McGilchrist (Neuroscience and Philosophy)
This is by no means an exhaustive list, but it gives an idea of the range of thinkers whose work might be drawn upon in a study of “Phenomenological Neurospirituality.” It is important to note that each of these thinkers brings their own perspectives and methodologies, which would need to be critically assessed and integrated in a thoughtful manner for such an interdisciplinary study.
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