“Parietal eye field (PEF) and frontal eye field (FEF) instantiate dynamic, gaze-centred sensorimotor maps for goal-oriented behaviour. The PEF–FEF circuit codes multiple targets (here depicted by white Gaussians); the representation of highest behavioural priority is represented by greatest activity. The prioritized representation can be selected to pass on the saccade generator. The saccade generator provides an efference copy of the saccade command, which in combination with a forward model is utilized to remap the remaining representations on the maps (shifts are indicated by the white arrows). Shifts on the map can also be initiated by top-down cognitive signals. The maps also contain mechanisms to implement reference frame transformation (T and T−1), which serve to transform gaze-centred representation into other reference frames, or to recode information from other reference frames (such as auditory or touch signals) into gaze-centred representations.”