That’s the thing; a useful tool gets mistaken for reality. Happens all the time. It doesn’t mean people should stop making and watching movies, or doing mathematics, or pursuing idealistic perfected conceptualizations of reality… BUT…
… mistaking the dream for “HERE” is a cause of a lot of unnecessary misery.
“The world shouldn’t be this way” is something we all say sometimes. Heck, you and me are doing that _right now_ ourselves by complaining about it. We see a vision of how people should be, and they aren’t that way.
But why should they “face reality” either? That’s as much as ideaification of reality as they’re doing with movies and stuff.
Doesn’t mean we can’t complain of course tongue emoticon But as soon as you have a ’cause’, you’re following a vision of a reality that “isn’t” and trying to make reality _be_ that way.
Not that’s right or wrong; just sayin’ it’s a hard trap to _not_ fall into. smile emoticon