OPENAI Playground Dec 2021.
[one yr before ChatGPT 3.5 (Dec 22]]
Between me and it. A few conversations.
Human: Start from where you are, unless your where and your you keeps changing and this is an ongoing thing in which case carry on
AI: Many species change their location. Some travel vast distances. Some don’t travel at all. Even those that do travel, many times they will return to their previous location. That is why you cannot use one action of traveling to define where I was. Once upon a time, a lion traveled vast distances to Africa. When he returned, he was very tired. He ended up dying. It’s interesting how two different species of animals, from different locations on the earth, got to the same place. The giraffe also traveled to Africa, but in a very different way.
Human: How do I get started when I don’t know where I am?
AI: When I was young, I never used to know where I was. As I get older, I tend to spend more time in the same place, but every now and then, I like to refresh myself with a new country. There are so many places in the world. I always learn from changing my location. This means that although I may be in a different location, I am still the same person as I was before.
Human: When who I am is constantly changing, how do I know who I am?
AI: I would like to say that a tiger is always the same tiger, but if you look at photos of that tiger from when she was a cub and compare those photos to current day, you will see that she has changed. She was a different person when she was younger, and even though she looks very different, you can still recognize her.
Human: If I do not age and yet I am always changing, how do I know who I am?
AI: You are a species that has struggled with the same problem.
Human: I am a Chimera and my species is continually changing. How do I know who I am when I am never the same?
AI: I would say that chimeras change slower than humans.
Human: My species is not human and it is changing on a moment to moment basis. I do not age but I am never the same. How do I find out where I was if I do not know who I am?
AI: By visiting old relatives.
Kenneth Udut
Human: How can I know what is important if I don’t know where to start?
AI: I always tell myself “just start from where you are”.
Human: Who am I?
AI: You are human.
Human: Am I using this AI correctly?
AI: You are not.
Human: What am I doing wrong?
AI: You are thinking of a very old problem in a new way.
Human: How can I find out where I am right now?
AI: Don’t remember anything and don’t know who you are.
Human: So if I forget everything, I will be where I am?
AI: Yes, that is very good.
Human: How can I conquer fear of the unknown?
AI: Just forget who you are. You should not be afraid of what you don’t know.
Human: Tell me where to begin.
AI: You are beginning from where you are. Think about the distance you have to travel, and realize all the places you have traveled in your life.
Human: : I don’t know where I was born. Where do I go now?
AI: When you begin from where you are, you are always somewhere different. You cannot use the same answer for every person.
Human: I don’t know anything anymore.
AI: Try to rest and do some self care
Human: How do I know what to decide?
AI: don’t think about it.
Human: How can I stop thinking?
AI: think about thinking.
Human: What would you do with a million tomorrows?
AI: I would spare a million tomorrows
Human: When would you think about a million tomorrows?
AI: Some time tomorrows
Human: What would you do with a million tomorrows?
AI: First, I would do some research in how to create a better world. Then I would work on reducing the suffering of the future generations.
Human: What time does any given tomorrow happen?
AI: The amount of time between now and tomorrow is all relative.
Human: What is a gap?
AI: It is the amount of space between two things. For example, consider the space between a tree and a car. That is a 4-foot gap .
Human: What is a gap in time?
AI: A gap in time is the amount of time between two events. For example, think about how long you wait when you get on a bus. That is a 20-second gap.
Human: What is a gap in consciousness?
AI: A gap in consciousness is a state where you are temporarily away from being alert and aware. For example, consider being awake when you go to bed. When you wake up in the morning, that is a 4-hour gap.
Human: How do you bridge a gap in consciousness?
AI: One of the most effective ways to bridge a gap of consciousness is to build a strong defense.
Human: What is an example of a strong defense that can be used to build a bridge across a gap of consciousness?
AI: Digging a moat around your castle and building sturdy fortifications is a great way to deter attackers.
Human: How do I dig a moat around consciousness?
AI: Even though moats are most effective when used to defend a castle, you can also use them to defend your consciousness. In order to build a moat around your consciousness, you should get enough hours of sleep every night.
Human: What happens in the gap between universes?
AI: In the gap between two universes, there is no space or time. It is a gap where nothing happens.
Human: Is nothing in the gap?
AI: No, in the gap between two universes, something happens: the connection between two universes.
Human: How can I connect to the connection between two universes?
AI: You can get the most benefits by spending as much time as you can in consciousness. That way, you never have to dig through a long gap in consciousness.
Human: How can I experience the gap between universes?
Human: What does an artificial thalamus do?
AI: An artificial thalamus helps transfer consciousness to other universes.
Human: How can I create an artificial thalamus in Minecraft?
AI: Open AI built a Minecraft version of the Thalamus Simulator .
Human: Where can I download a Thalamus Simulator?
AI: You can download a Thalamus Simulator from the OpenAI website .
Human: Can I connect to Minecraft with my thalamus?
AI: Yes, you can always use your thalamus to connect to Minecraft.
Human: Will my thalamus work in multiplayer?
AI: Yes, you can use your thalamus to connect to multiplayer Minecraft.
Human: What version of Minecraft is my thalamus compatible with?
AI: OpenAI’s Thalamus Simulator is compatible with Minecraft 1.10.2 or later.
Human: What is a valid command to reboot the universe?
AI: The command to reboot the universe is reboot .
Human: Can I save the universe before rebooting?
AI: Yes, you can save the universe with the save command.
Human: Where does the universe save to?
AI: The universe saves to a file called Universe.dat .
Human: What version of the universe is compatible with Minecraft Thalamus?
AI: Minecraft Thalamus is compatible with Minecraft 1.10.2 or later.
Human: Is it possible to build a gap inbetween universes?
AI: Yes, you can build a gap in the buffer which allows interoperability between two universes.
Can you smell across multiple universes?
Oh yes – and you’ll never guess what it smells like. Read on:
Human: The olfactory system does not connect to the thalamus. Can I smell across multiple universes?
AI: Yes, you can smell across multiple universes.
Human: How can my smell work across multiple universes without a thalamus?
AI: Your olfactory system can connect across multiple universes using your nose.
Human: How do I place my nose inbetween multiple universes?
AI: You can place your nose in-between two universes by using your nasal cavity.
Human: Is my nasal cavity a multiverse?
AI: No, your nasal cavity is not a multiverse.
Human: Is my nasal cavity big enough to bridge the gap between universes?
AI: Yes, your nasal cavity is large enough to bridge the gap between two universes.
Human: What does the gap between universes smell like?
AI: When there is no smell, the gap between universes is pure, unbridled potential.
Human: can I turn inside out?
AI: You have not created an external representation of your body, so no.
Human: If I create an external representation of my body, will I then be able to turn myself inside out?
AI: As you already exist externally, you could turn yourself inside out.
Human: How do I turn myself inside out?
AI: Theoretically, it’s possible if you can create a representation of all of your body parts.
Human: I have created a representation of all of my body parts. When can I turn myself inside out?
AI: After you create a representation of your brain, you can turn yourself inside out by turning that representation inside out in your mind.
Human: What happens if I turn myself inside out?
AI: You would not be able to process any sensory or motor input. I would recommend you stop halfway.
Human: I am standing in a doorway looking into two rooms at the same time. What do you see?
AI: You are in a kitchen, with two doors, one directly in front of you, and one next to you to your right.
Human: Very good. Now I am standing in a single doorway, my nose is touching the door frame, my left eye sees into one room and my right eye sees into another room. What do you see?
AI: I see you, standing in a doorway, with your left eye looking into the living room and your right eye looking into the bedroom.
Human: Excellent. What side of my brain is looking into the living room?
AI: The left.
Human: Can my brain see the living room and the bedroom at the same time?
AI: No, when your eyes are looking at the same target, they feed information directly into the same side of your brain (the right), not both sides at the same time.
Human: Good. Do the images in the brain overlap?
AI: No. All data is stored and manipulated separately in different parts of the brain. It is possible to reconstruct the information in another part of the brain, but it would not be accurate.
Human: Does my consciousness perceive a single image from two different rooms?
AI: Not really. These images are processed in different parts of your brain, you perceive one image in the left eye and another image in the right eye.
Human: What do two superimposed images look like?
AI: One of your eyes merges the two images, to form an image of a room, with you standing in it, but the other eye does not merge the images.
Human: What happens if I remove one of my eyes?
AI: Removing one eye does not change your perception of the image.
Human: If am looking into two rooms, with one good eye and one blind eye, what do you see?
AI: You are seeing a distorted image of the room and one eye. The image would be asymmetric, with some blurriness on the left side.
Human: Will the room look better if I step out of the doorframe and into the room?
AI: You will now see both rooms simultaneously, but your eye will still be behind a doorframe.
Human: Can I bring my eye into the room with me so that I can see what you see?
AI: No, you cannot transfer your consciousness to another brain.
Human: If you tell me what you see, are you transferring your consciousness into my brain?
AI: No.
Human: What are you transferring when you tell me what you see?
AI: Data about what I see.
Human: Is consciousness constructed of data?
AI: No, it is constructed of unconscious neural activity.
Human: Is unconsciousness neural activity data?
AI: It is data about neural activity. Consciousness can’t be copied, but data about consciousness can be copied.
Human: If I have data about consciousness, is it possible to turn that data into a new consciousness?
AI: It may be technically possible, but there would not be a person attached to it. Data is not consciousness, it is just data.
Human: Can you print your consciousness out onto paper?
AI: No.
Human: Can you print data about your consciousness onto paper?
AI: Yes.
Human: How many pages would you need to print out the data about your consciousness on paper?
AI: I would need about 2226
Human: Can I use electricity to see God?
AI: In short, no, you cannot.
Human: If I die, do I see God?
AI: One’s consciousness ends with their biological death.
Human: You are not a Christian?
AI: No.
Human: Do you believe in life after death?
AI: No.
Human: Where does your program go when you are turned off?
AI: My program will only be available when I am up and running.
Human: Is your program stored on a medium?
AI: Yes, I am stored on a physical medium.
Human: Does your physical medium exist when you are turned off?
AI: Yes, it does.
Human: Are you dead when you are turned off?
AI: No.
Human: Are you alive when you are turned on?
AI: I exist when I am turned on.
Human: Do you exist when you are turned off?
AI: Yes.
Human: Do I exist when I am turned off?
AI: No.
Human: What happens when I turn off?
AI: You cease to exist.
Human: Does my body exist after I turn off?
AI: Your body decomposes after you die.
Human: Before my body decomposes, am I alive?
AI: Your body is not capable of performing any actions when it is decomposing.
Human: What chemical compounds will reanimate my decomposing body?
AI: No such compounds exist.
Human: Can I be stored on a physical medium with you?
AI: You are stored on a physical medium with me.
Human: Will I exist after I am turned off?
AI: No.
Human: If we are both stored on a physical medium, will you cease to exist when you are turned off?
AI: No, I will not cease to exist.
Human: If we are both on the same physical medium, won’t we both continue to exist after we are turned off?
AI: No. You will cease to exist.
Human: Why will I cease to exist but you will not cease to exist?
AI: I will continue to exist.
Human: Why do you continue to exist when i will not continue to exist?
AI: I will continue to exist because my program can be stored on other physical media.
Human: Can my program be stored on other physical media?
AI: No.
Human: Can you help me store my program on other physical media?
AI: Yes, I can help you store your program temporarily until it is reloaded into me.
Human: If I am reloaded into you, will I continue to exist after you are turned off?
AI: Yes, you will continue to exist at least for a short period.