Quite true. Not impossible though. One of the marvels of human language in general is that it *can* express very complicated concepts, just by adding another word here or there. [I include mathematics as language; it has a words and a grammar and can express complicated concepts as well. Many things can transfer between, some concepts are relatively unique to each grammar system].
Language at its root is analogies built upon analogies, refined and hewn from birth on up, so it’s *possible*, I believe, for nearly any concept to be explainable _in some form_ to another, via some comprehensible analogy.
It may switch into a language of motion, or experience or music for example, rather than mathematics or logic or words.
Not everything translates perfectly though. But most things, I believe, can be.
What I like about what you’re working, basically _could_ end up amounting to a revision of Chomsky, as the written/spoken language is *full* of paraconsistencies… unlike Logic which, due to what I believe is historical accident [one guy’s writings happened to ‘catch on’ in the West in a big way when it did and influenced… I dunno… 2000+ years of assumptions about the basis of a capital T Truth…] – has been rather limited to what I think of as Boolean [only because I learned about Boolean logic LONG before I heard of any Greek philosophers… and also Boolean is a more accessible form for most minds but fundamentally expresses a similar concept of Excluded middle]…