One of the dangerous of utopian visions in general. “Well, once we get past this “rough patch” THEN everything will be “smooth sailing”

Or in a more direct way, theory leading to public policy can be marvelous – eventually – but not without bloodshed. Or theory leading to policy can be simply awful without any of the marvelous! [or any combination thereof]

One of the dangerous of utopian visions in general. “Well, once we get past this “rough patch” THEN everything will be “smooth sailing”. But a cursory study of human history and it’s never been so. I see no reason why that would change with future idealistic notions… so I’m always hesitant with regards to things approaching platonic forms but… again, I have a embodied cognition bias. I could also simply be wrong. My feeling of certainty and ways with words doesn’t make me correct, nor does agreement [or disagreement] for that matter smile emoticon

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