One of my favorite metaphors for this things called the economy is medicinal — psychological in fact. “How is the economy feeling today?” _well, i’m a little depressed_ “Here, have a vitamin injection!” _thanks! _ People crowed around the economy’s house, speculating how they’ll feel in the morning. They place bets. Morning arrives. The economy steps out the front door, throws up on the welcome mat. The people scatter, knowing the economy is unwell today, despite vitamin injection the day before.

One of my favorite metaphors for this things called the economy is medicinal — psychological in fact.

“How is the economy feeling today?”
_well, i’m a little depressed_
“Here, have a vitamin injection!”
_thanks! _

People crowed around the economy’s house, speculating how they’ll feel in the morning. They place bets.

Morning arrives. The economy steps out the front door, throws up on the welcome mat. The people scatter, knowing the economy is unwell today, despite vitamin injection the day before.

 [of course I was talking about ‘the market’ but it’s fun imaging the economy like that]
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