Ok. The old fashioned online term was “Computer Mediated Communications” and from that one finds an equally antiquated online term: DISCOURSE COMMUNITY https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discourse_community

Ok. The old fashioned online term was “Computer Mediated Communications” and from that one finds an equally antiquated online term: DISCOURSE COMMUNITY
Now you can go further back in time (I’m learning as I show) to CS Pierce and there’s a whole family of notions similar to these kinds of clubs: “Community of Inquiry”Related communities – showing as links in this wikipedia page include:

Community of action
Community of circumstance
Community of interest
Community of place
Community of position
Community of practice
Community of purpose
Learning organization
Professional learning community

Somewhere in all of this, is the same kinds of paths tread in the past that one might want to tread in the future with this organization or any others.


Lastly (as a continuation of these last few comments, thinking as I go) – I’ve often found myself in leadership-like positions.
But I have no desire to LEAD. Rather, I like COMMUNITY.
So, anytime I was in a position of leadership, I would do whatever I could to MINIMALLY STRUCTURE the community so as to be able to function with or without me.
This way, if I died or stopped being interested, it could continue without me because the structure of the organization ensured not a leadership baton being passed so much but a community that could sustain itself which happens to include minimal central governors that control rate and flow when necessary but otherwise attempt to maximize the degrees of freedom within the constraints of the topic or area of focus.
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