Ok. I’ll try to help here. Thank you for background. It helps.
MBTI, type A/B personality, etc, are all based on the same questionable stuff: A list of 23,000 personality adjectives compiled in the 1930s, shorted to 5000, then 500 and I think about 150.
These adjectives that you ‘like’ are supposed to classify you into different categories. Type A vs type B, one of the 16 MBTI, etc. Lots and lots and lots of “Trait theories” are ultimately based on this same family of adjectives.
There is little that is solid about any of it.
But the people that excel in this kind of vague pop psychology world are the people that love playing with words – the INFPs. Not always the best writers but they love playing with how words make them feel.
So here’s a collection of adjectives linked to Type A. There’s another collection of adjectives attached to Type B.
Someone invests a lot of work on a narrative and suddenly, someone who is a trusted friend comes along, and torches that list of adjectives.
“Sorry: you cannot self-describe using any of those terms anymore. Your set is another set all together.”
without any evidence. Without any proof. Without anything whatsoever to justify your position.
Had you worked to justify your position, it’s likely you’d be ok after some negotiation. But to issue a pot-shot and walk away, well ,that’s just like cutting a relationship with scissors.