Oh, there’s plenty of people who do just that, especially if they have a family. 12-16 hr days aren’t uncommon in small store management jobs. I turned down a salaried job once because I realized I was making MORE per hour working hourly than I would if I was on salary working more hours, even though the final paycheck was higher. Money vs Time. Neverending battle.

Oh, there’s plenty of people who do just that, especially if they have a family.

12-16 hr days aren’t uncommon in small store management jobs. I turned down a salaried job once because I realized I was making MORE per hour working hourly than I would if I was on salary working more hours, even though the final paycheck was higher.

Money vs Time. Neverending battle.


So do they, but they don’t get it. Work ’til you drop, leave the rest for your kids was standard American Dream for a lot of decades.


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