Oh indeed; attempting to keep the structure as minimal as possible affording the maximum degrees of freedom for the members to flourish; ideally, left with a sense of group ownership among all members.
A leadership-free community where norms are understood and assented to without conflict would be one of the best models I think.
But there’s degrees. I bring up Rules of Order not to advocate but to consider why it’s so used.
Well meaning individuals coming together under a common cause with a diverse set of skills should theoretically find cooperation easy; like puzzle pieces finding each other and putting themselves naturally together as needs arise and solutions are sought collectively.
And yet; evidence; is that what happens? What prevents that from happening?
Also worth considering: is it possible that this simply does not happen and that well-meaning coordinators may be engaging in magical thinking; like believing in the existence of the rational man in classic economic theory?
But, maybe it does and it’s worth finding examples of it. I have never found any and yet I also tend to believe, against all evidence, that it’s possible. This is likely because I’ve seen MOMENTS where such cooperation functions.
Sorry I’m saying so much; it’s a topic I have unending thoughts on but it’s rare to have an outlet for. I don’t have solutions but I like brainstorming about it as it’s fascinating to me.