Oh I’m opposite. I love converting data. It’s one of my long time hobbies. Converting a WAV to a BMP, processing through a program that was designed to work with medical imaging (IMAGEJ) to run mathematical morphology on it to find the median, convert the BMP back to WAV and play a sound stripped of all its harmonics – that was stripped using visual processing – is one example of the kind of thing I’ve done for fun. I am continually amazed at the variety of different ways you can get different file formats to work via different modalities on a computer. It never gets old for me. In the end, it’s “all the same stuff” so it’s almost always “possible”.

Oh I’m opposite. I love converting data. It’s one of my long time hobbies.
Converting a WAV to a BMP, processing through a program that was designed to work with medical imaging (IMAGEJ) to run mathematical morphology on it to find the median, convert the BMP back to WAV and play a sound stripped of all its harmonics – that was stripped using visual processing – is one example of the kind of thing I’ve done for fun.
I am continually amazed at the variety of different ways you can get different file formats to work via different modalities on a computer. It never gets old for me. In the end, it’s “all the same stuff” so it’s almost always “possible”.
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