Allow me to show you something:
When I ran 9000+ of my little writings through the past 28 yrs (I think a book report on Black Holes in 10th grade made it in there too, so that’s… wait, yeah 28), that awesome little tool at (which is just one tool of many I’m using in self-analysis to get a somewhat objective perspective of self), and I properly accounted for quantity as well as certainty, I came up with this top four:
Time 115
Epistemology, causation & humankind 120
Causation 122
Philosophy & Theory 401
This surprised me because of its accuracy to how I think of myself yet didn’t expect it to come out like this.
Now, What is Philosophy & Theory 401?
Well, I correlated it to the Library of Congress system and got these:
Symbolic language
us: Language, Psychology of
us: Language and languages–Psychological aspects
us: Language and languages–Psychology
us: Psychology of language
us: Speech–Psychology
us: Cartesian linguistics
us: Cognitive grammar
us: Communicative competence
us: Competence and performance (Linguistics)
us: Creativity (Linguistics)
us: Generative grammar
us: Innateness hypothesis (Linguistics)
us: Language acquisition
us: Language and emotions
us: Language awareness
us: Masked priming
us: Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
us: Sound symbolism
us: Speech errors
us: Speech perception
us: Xenophobia in language
as subtopics.
It’s In short, it’s a different form of philosophy than you might be speaking of.
You may be in DDC 142: Critical Philosophy.
or 180-189 – ancient to modern Western Philosophy.
Or perhaps Philosophy & Theory 501 – which is Science and Mathematics.
In short… we may be working from within two different systems which happen to share similar language.