Now that LibraryThing has free membership, which means unlimited book adding, I’m trying to figure out EVERY book I ever read, picked up in a library, owned, borrowed, and putting it on there. BASIC “type-in programming” books have disappeared from libraries and bookstores decades ago. But I remember. Some of them – such as the Usborne series of BASIC books for kids – are now available for free online by the publisher, who still makes brightly colored factual children’s books. But this one, I fell out of my chair because I owned this book, typed EVERYTHING in, drew all over it, and haven’t seen it since probably 1986 or so.

Now that LibraryThing has free membership, which means unlimited book adding, I’m trying to figure out EVERY book I ever read, picked up in a library, owned, borrowed, and putting it on there.
BASIC “type-in programming” books have disappeared from libraries and bookstores decades ago. But I remember. Some of them – such as the Usborne series of BASIC books for kids – are now available for free online by the publisher, who still makes brightly colored factual children’s books.
But this one, I fell out of my chair because I owned this book, typed EVERYTHING in, drew all over it, and haven’t seen it since probably 1986 or so.
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