not in a satanic circle nor an evil hacker but media frenzies are tough things.

I always wanted to work with kids since I was a kid. But… 80s/early 90s was a time of child predators and satanic circles in the woods and evil hackers talking to each other. Well I wasn’t a child predator or in a satanic circle nor an evil hacker.

But I wanted to be a middle school teacher (talented + gifted as well as ‘slow’), even when I was 14 yrs old – was into religion at the time, and was getting online back when it was a mystery to most ppl (late 80s).

So after some awesome classes in child psych, at college – left school (no more money), came home, spent a year doing volunteer occupational therapy for kids with cerebral palsy…

… [and starting the 1st children’s rights group on the Internet – go me]…

…I realized I was suddenly 23 yrs old, single, it was 1995, the first ped priests were everywhere… and for ME to go into teaching or other fields with kids as an unmarried, adult male… was going to be HELL.

So I didn’t. I went into computer programming instead. Best thing I ever did.

I don’t regret a thing. I love my life choices… even the ones I couldn’t control.

But – I wasn’t so much sad for me. I was sad for those who got shuffled around and given the critical eye who, like me, just wanted to help the next generation be a better one… and suffered through being painted with a BROAD brush in an age of discrimination against males in teaching/comforting/helping roles.

We’re still in that age… but hopefully one day, it’ll go away. Hopefully.

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