No. It’s not safe to assume illegals don’t pay taxes. They do and are a significant part of many local economies. Manage

No. It’s not safe to assume illegals don’t pay taxes.
They do and are a significant part of many local economies.


No. It’s not safe to assume illegals don’t pay taxes.
They do and are a significant part of many local economies.


Illegals are MORE likely to follow the rules and pay taxes BECAUSE they don’t want deportation.


There’s a lot of propaganda about illegals that go around unchecked, especially in big conservative media.

Look at the IRS. Why do they care WHO pays, so long as they do.

It’s not their job to deport anybody or judge them in any way.

Illegals are given their own ITIN and are tracked like any US citizen is.


Don’t get too stuck on this word “Illegal”.
  I know a lot of white people who avoid taxes. Common among wealthy and poor alike.But illegals (undocumented workers anyway) usually live in communities together and work en masse for large farms, pay their taxes (lower income – almost stuck in 1990s wages), and have been a critical part of these economies for decades.I’m sure you can find the odd illegal maid or dishwasher here and there, but most (in numbers) ultimately support US agriculture in a significant way.
 Mass deportation is bad for business and disruptive to the US economy.
 It’s similar but not as bad as sharecropping or slavery. Still, it can be improved.

Non-profits, churches and such watchdog companies for exploitation of workers and human rights violations.

Also, in areas (such as where I am in FL), undocumented workers have _some_ negotiating power with fast food companies and such. A hard fought one penny wage increase results in significant improvements to quality of daily life, perhaps not to what we might expect.
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