I don’t even need to see the article. New Atheism’s growth as a religion, especially online, is amazingly hysterical to me… and the cause of much mental illness expressed far and wise.
It started before Dawkins but he definitely crystallized it and Bill Mahor, once a great political wit, just became another dry and crusty preacher on his pulpit of same-lazy-thinking and ahistorical teachings.
And they snagged my black science man teddy bear of a preacher, Neil DeGrasse Tyson. But at least he keeps his foot out of his mouth most of the time, and goes “yay Science!”, and I’m glad for that. But then when Bill Nye started up.. oh come on Bill Nye… get back to being goofy and get off the pulpit too.
And don’t get me started on Hawking. Loved him ’til they grabbed him too. Same strawGod to knock down that no one ever believed in in the first place. Ugh. People should stick to what they’re GOOD AT.