Naveed Akhtar I am governed by having a poor timing mechanism I suppose you could take it down to the atomic level if you like but it’s not very useful it’s far more useful to be at the proper scale and ascribe Time issues to white matter functionality, Brain chemistry, internal clock synchronization differences, amydala, dopamine in the basal ganglia etc you won’t see much of the atomic level that’s much different because all the interesting things happened at the interfaces not down in the bulks

Naveed Akhtar
I am governed by having a poor timing mechanism

I suppose you could take it down to the atomic level if you like but it’s not very useful

it’s far more useful to be at the proper scale and ascribe Time issues to white matter functionality, Brain chemistry, internal clock synchronization differences, amydala, dopamine in the basal ganglia


you won’t see much of the atomic level that’s much different because all the interesting things happened at the interfaces not down in the bulks

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