My view: There’s _no_ excuse to take things at face value.

My view: There’s _no_ excuse to take things at face value.

I spent my adolescence in the public library as much as I could. Loved it there. Especially the reference section. I’d hear something that was bullshit in school or news and I’d try to track it down, because when something seemed “off”, I had to find out.

Then with the BBS and PC-Link in 1988, and my first Internet in 1990 at college, I started enjoying the deeper and deeper availablity of knowledge.

And now? The information is: RIGHT HERE. You don’t gotta move! Just cut through some BS scientific jargon, imagine the real people doing the real experiments and place yourself there. What kind of bullshit might have taken place even THERE?

Somewhere through it all, some things that have a chance of being possibly true, is in there.

But I remember fighting to get that information. We don’t have to fight. It’s here. No excuses.

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