My generation is generally an embarrassment to me but some things Gen X people I am proud of. This is of the “we drank from water hoses and survived” minion post GenX “kids today are weak when we were strong” kind of post that I see from old classmates sometimes that makes me cringe and they’re usually thin blue line wannabe cops, buying fake military gear, or adding ranks to their service they never did. But then there’s others that have learned from their service in the middle east and came away changed from their boot camp silliness.

My generation is generally an embarrassment to me but some things Gen X people I am proud of.
This is of the “we drank from water hoses and survived” minion post GenX “kids today are weak when we were strong” kind of post that I see from old classmates sometimes that makes me cringe and they’re usually thin blue line wannabe cops, buying fake military gear, or adding ranks to their service they never did.
But then there’s others that have learned from their service in the middle east and came away changed from their boot camp silliness.

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