Minor fluctuation makes a distinction from sameness and other differences follow suit. The differences that are similar aggregate to form larger differences.
Or the shock of going from sameness to minor distinction led to something dramatic, sort of like when someone interrupts me while I’m typing to tell me something unimportant, just on a more important scale.
Of course in all this there’s a presumption that there was a sameness “before” that was broken.
I like Lewis’ concrete philosophical multiverse over mathematical multiverse, which to me is the result of trying to turn uncertainty into certainty. Multiverses makes the math work better, much as “possible worlds” makes philosophy work better.
I know this doesn’t completely answer your question but it’s the answer I have for you
I don’t have a strong opinion at present on whether it’s true or false or who is worst or best among the physics’ multiverses.
I see them as fictional constructs that are useful at present.
If I take Lewis’ position of the strong concrete multiverse where every possibility results in a universe that cannot be observed from each other, then I would have to say that your multiverse theory applies to at least one of the universe’s in Lewis’ construct.
In that case, the multiverse you propose would apply as true for the universe it applies to that is similar to our actual universe but not the same.
But that leaves open the possibility that it *does* in fact correspond to this actual universe.
But the mathematical multiverse is attached to the universe it is attached to, not necessarily overlapping into Lewis’ multiverse, of which each universe could have its own multiverse stemming from theirs.
This is why I like Lewis’ construct better.
But what you’ve said sounds plausible to me; then again, “God said,” I also hold plausible.
Looking up interaction of vaccuum energy bubbles multiverse on Google, I found something similar to what you’re saying, in this case regarding lag time.
which would imply multiverse always existing.
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