Kenneth Udut was ALMOST A NECKBEARD but managed to avoid it through careful life choices. I think…

Is #KennethUdut    a… #Neckbeard   !?
A shocking accusation on May 22nd, 2015 prompted this investigation of ridiculous proportions, encompassing a single-man’s entire length of 43 years on this planet, against a #Buzzfeed   quiz.

The original accuser, within a few minutes of discussion, realized he was mistaken in his assertion that Kenneth Udut = Neckbeard but it made me think.  WHAT IF HE WAS RIGHT!?  I always felt I managed to skirt the neckbeard persona through life-choices and yet.. I did once own a #Fedora   between the ages of 14-16 in 1986-1988, when it was in fashion.  [and abandoned it after the fashion went south… although I have nothing against fedoras.  They’re a hat.  A hat.  But I don’t own one. It’s all in the text included 😛

So, a never-seen before, excessively detailed comparison which I believe will lead the reader to conclude: KENNETH UDUT IS THE EVOLUTION OF WHAT NECKBEARDS ACROSS THE GLOBE COULD BECOME with a little self-analysis and reflection on their lives.

Or… by presenting this defense, may itself prove conclusively that I am, indeed a neckbeard after all, who has simply been in denial of his own true nature.

It was fun to write it up and to see myself from the perspective of a well-detailed online stereotype. 🙂 neckbeard neckbeard_05 neckbeard_04 neckbeard_03 neckbeard_02 neckbeard_01 neckbeard


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