*John Nash and his wife Alicia die in a car crash.*
Oh wow! A crash? http://lesswrong.com/lw/182/the_absentminded_driver/
It’s likely the cause was based on some of the word done post Nash, http://wiki.lesswrong.com/wiki/Updateless_decision_theory
*sigh* Brilliant Mind most definitely. Not implying either him or his wife were absent minded driver. But it happened, could not be predicted without perfect recall… and none of us yet has a “gods eye” view. It’s a kind of irony but in the end, I feel for those left behind.
UDT in short:
“Why Is It Rational To Act In The Way UDT Prescribes?
UDT arises from the philosophical viewpoint that says things like
There is no such thing as the ‘objective present moment’.
There is no such thing as ‘persisting subjective identity’.
There is no difference in principle between me and a functionally identical automaton.
When a random event takes place, our perception of a single definite outcome is as much an illusion of perspective as the ‘objective present’–in reality all outcomes occur, but in ‘parallel universes’.”
Not to say I’m a believer in it, but mathematically, we’re kinda limited with this sort of thing.
RIP John and Alicia Nash.