I’ve always heard that Nirvana is supposed to be the “music of my generation” (GenX) but while I listened to them, I was more into 70s folk singers phase I think? I’m also supposed to be represented by Breakfast club, which I always found annoying, although represented by Star Wars is probably accurate enough. Then again, I think Star Wars defined a lot of people’s childhoods ever since.

I’ve always heard that Nirvana is supposed to be the “music of my generation” (GenX) but while I listened to them, I was more into 70s folk singers phase I think?

I’m also supposed to be represented by Breakfast club, which I always found annoying, although represented by Star Wars is probably accurate enough. Then again, I think Star Wars defined a lot of people’s childhoods ever since.

I don’t go by the exactness of the year numbers but consider it cultural.

For me a lot of X doesn’t describe me. But I once heard of a subgroup called “2nd gen, 8-bit GenX” and that describes me quite well.

For you? There’s Xennial. I think that will help you.

I generally didn’t care much for people of my generation growing up…
..then I found out later that’s a common feature of my generation.
But I think that’s common in every generation, to look at peers and go, “THAT’S not me”.


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