It’s land domain.
In a hyper local election, everything is very nearly direct. You as a voter are likely to know the person running from around town and if you don’t, you can find out. It’s very direct, people in town, people you know, every decision directly affects most anything you do in a local community.
Next level up you have a city. Then a county. Then a district. Then a state. then you have Federal.
Now if you make poor decisions in a local village, it only affects that village.
But city level is more serious. A county even more than a city, etc. as you go up.
So, that’s why a village/borough level should be ok for any village/borough that wants to go that route, especially of a significant amount of people who live there are working, have their kids in school, yet are undocumented themselves. They should have some say about what affects their kids in school. But that doesn’t also mean that they get to have a say in what the State education board or the federal board of education has to say.