I’m likely going to stick with Independence too. Finding areas that are strong matches for my “political beliefs” is a little disturbing to me though. I could easily be a political rallier today had I stayed at Hampshire College in Amherst MA – it’s in my “politics” zone. Had I stayed in NJ, I might have moved to where a lot of my friends did, down near Redbank and further south or towards Princeton even – ALL in my “political zone”.
I’ve been an Internet geek since ’88. Guess who is politically strong similarities to me? Mountain View, CA: Where GOOGLE is.
The accuracy is .. just.. too much. I’m going to analyze it further but it’s really weird to see, “I might have been like that” – not that any of those things are BAD.. they’re not. It’s just… weird seeing variations of “me’s” on a map like that and I can’t say their wrong either. I’m trying. But it seems to be right.