It’s can help to notice how OLD some of these ideas are.
I was about 9 years old – I’m 50 now; a TV show called Barney Miller; it was a comedy cop show. One guy came in talking about the Trilateral Commission, One World Government conspiracy, United Nations, etc.
The funny TV cops on the listened to him, made a few jokes.
But I remembered it.
Then as a teenager, I had older neighbor that believed the Catholic Church was secretly ruling everything along with the United Nations, and that there were 17 Jewish leaders in charge of the entire world and were looking to mix races in order to have a population that would do all the work for them and they’d stay in charge and then something else about the Rothchild family.
They fed my head with these stories. I listened, it was interesting. I didn’t believe the stories but they were interesting.
So I’m not saying don’t look into it yourself; just because I had my experiences, you have your own experiences and they’re not the same as mine and you may reach entirely different conclusions than I did.
I’m not asking you to conform to my beliefs or anything. But I’ll express mine I hope you express yours and anybody expresses their own.