Two weeks ago, I had a dewey decimal library classifier go through 9000 of my writings through the years (stuff I wrote online that I collected together) and stick it into 000-999 to where it belongs. It uses an AI trained on academic papers and since it was about ‘me’ – I could decide if it was doing a good job categorizing my concepts. And… it does.
The bottom row is stuff I NEVER write about. Or rather, if I _do_ touch upon those topics, it’s only “in light of” [or from the perspective of] the top two rows. Very cool stuff that I’m very happy with.
It might not be all of my interests, but it *is* how I talk like, “as if” I was a PhD and thought I knew something about what I was talking about from those perspectives. After all, if what I wrote matched up with the subject matter in acadmic papers, then it’s “as if” _I_ wrote those papers in an alternative timeline/different parents/etc tongue emoticon – it’s fun try it!