It’s a race and every scientist working on it wants to win. Highly referenced paper, nice promotions, etc. Ultimately, we all will win as SOMEBODY’S solution – or multiple solutions – will work. I believe in these scientists. I root for them all. Go Pittsburgh!
Boatloads of people still won’t do the vaccine though. This nutball artist who does art for EVERY conspiracy particularly loves the “forced vaccination” and “5g will kill us” ideas, along with expected Obama-bad, New-World-Order conspiracy stuff.
Thing is, he’s a mirror for a sadly significant part of the population.
I used to think his art was kind of funny – an exaggeration of absurdity. Didn’t realize until a few years ago that people unironically believe what he portrays but they do. And apparently, he does too.
His name is David Dees – or “ddees” – look him up if you’re bored. Extremely influential.
Hope this Pittsburgh research finds the vaccine. A vaccine will STILL be far more influential than this artist for those who take it will be saved and save others — and maybe even save the conspiracy believers too. Fingers crossed.