Because, with absolute certainty, THE BOMB was gonna destroys us all when I was growing up. I had nightmares of atom bombs; it was the last gasp of the Cold War and in middle school, I got to see Gorbechev and Reagan shaking hands and the wall come down.
But as that was going on, the focus was already shifting. late elementary/early middle school began talks of global warming. There was _one_ – and only one – teacher who showed us competing theories of climate change, but the change in all the textbooks had already begun.
In the 90s, scientists couldn’t get published in a peer review journal and ESPECIALLY could not get funding UNLESS they added something to do with Global Warming on it. It’s where the money was at. It would be like doing Theoretical Physics or Mathematics in the mid-late 90s WITHOUT making it have something to do with String Theory.
Go where the money is.
It’s not conspiracy; just the nature of things.
That’s not to say that Global Catastrophe isn’t possible. Of course it is. And somebody will be worried about it. And somebody will take care of it.
But me? I’m a 43 year old man sitting behind a computer in Naples, Florida USA. I’m not in any position of power to influence *any* of these potential catastrophes. I’m not of war age, so I don’t have to worry about wars going on.
I recycle because I believe it’s a good idea. I don’t throw trash out the window because it looks gross on the roads.
I’m a nice guy because I believe in the power of friendship.
But global stuff?
It would just be words coming out of my mouth and emotions in my biochemical system that felt a fear and distress over tigers that aren’t coming after ME.
Biologically 100,000 years old and our limbic system doesn’t know the difference between a dream where a tiger is repeatedly coming after us, or watching a news story showing the same horrible clip over and over again.
Same emotional responses and, like with a dream, equally nothing one can do about it except wake up and look around where you REALLY ARE RIGHT NOW.