It had to be. The US led “drug war” in Mexico over Fentynal and Small-arms-to-Mexico have been linked arm in arm for 20 years. They had to be fixed with a two-nation agreement. But the NRA had too much sway in the Obama and Trump and Biden administrations. So am I skeptical that we’ll follow through with our part? I sure am. But we’ll see. And I hope it is successful. “Stop US Guns to Mexico is a bi-national project begun in late 2017 that seeks to make transparent and ultimately reduce US legal gun sales to Mexico to what they were before the US-sponsored drug war began in Mexico a decade ago, and to incorporate Mexico into the narratives and agendas of the US gun violence prevention movement. “

It had to be. The US led “drug war” in Mexico over Fentynal and Small-arms-to-Mexico have been linked arm in arm for 20 years.
They had to be fixed with a two-nation agreement. But the NRA had too much sway in the Obama and Trump and Biden administrations.
So am I skeptical that we’ll follow through with our part? I sure am. But we’ll see. And I hope it is successful.
“Stop US Guns to Mexico is a bi-national project begun in late 2017 that seeks to make transparent and ultimately reduce US legal gun sales to Mexico to what they were before the US-sponsored drug war began in Mexico a decade ago, and to incorporate Mexico into the narratives and agendas of the US gun violence prevention movement. “

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