Interesting. Well, I’m all for men’s rights and such but within a greater context of society as a whole. Current men’s movementis mimicking the feminist movement as it existed in the 70s and 80s.
Ironically, men’s rights issues fall under the category of Feminist Theory, which is basically Conflict Theory. Feminist Theory _includes_ gender inequalities.
In any case, I got bullied in school. I understand misandry. I was going to go into education in the early 90s but the environment was hostile towards single men in education.
So, I chose other career paths and it irks me to this day to know that I had to worry about ‘impressions’ even though I’m safe enough. Yet I was able to serve _better_ from the ‘outside’ anyway, especially as younger generations got online… plus I wasn’t stuck in a crappy education system. I teach where I find people.
It shouldn’t have been that way and I want it to change and I’m working towards it in my own way.
But all that being said, what you’re talking about is Feminism. You are a feminist, who is active in Men’s Rights.
If Feminism changed their name to Equalism, which is something they’re considering, the roll-in of your category would be more clear, but you’re already a part of the movement, with your own faceted focus.