I’ve been working on my J side for a while, and I’m starting to comprehend J’s in general much better.
I tackled a few months in a few philosophy groups, to understand the INTJ, speak the language, truly comprehend the chess game they play. I think I know enough now.
With a better comprehension of INTJ [the INTP was easy as I’m not so far off in the F/T scale but enough] – I’m starting to get a tiny window into INFJ better.
I had to go far to get closer to home, as it were.
I needed to understand the J to help improve my own. My “P” is always extremely strong in me but it lacks the J; All the questions, few conclusions.
So… now working on conclusions. Still difficult but having experienced an extreme “Mastermind” type of goal/logic/fixed/stay-within-the-lines thinkng… VERY strategic view on humanity… and ultimately being able to speak and comprehend the unique language they express themselves in – and more importantly why – I feel more well rounded and able to apply some of it to myself.
Fingers crossed. I dove into an INFP group for a day or two elsewhere to remember what it was like at the beginning of my journey; the way they talk, so familiar and so easy to join in… and yet, I’m bolstered with a clarity of logic and thinking that I never had before in quite this way. It’s envigorating really.
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