Individual news stations aren’t so important. You have to look at who owns them and who runs them. It is more significant that CNN changed owners to a right-wing owner in 2021 than the letters CNN or our feelings about them. It is significant Fox News is owned by Rupert Murdoch. It is significant to know who owns Breitbart and who funds them. It’s important to know : do they have codes of standards? If they do, do they internally prosecute violators?

Individual news stations aren’t so important. You have to look at who owns them and who runs them.
It is more significant that CNN changed owners to a right-wing owner in 2021 than the letters CNN or our feelings about them.
It is significant Fox News is owned by Rupert Murdoch.
It is significant to know who owns Breitbart and who funds them.
It’s important to know : do they have codes of standards? If they do, do they internally prosecute violators?

People don’t slavishly watch a single news station. There’s no neural implants hooked up to the internet that control what we think.

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