I’m heavily rooting for Generation Z.

I’m heavily rooting for Generation Z. They’re the first “always online” generation. [not all of them are but a HUGE percentage of their group, as the old ‘internet is for pervs’ stigma is long gone] and they make international friendships as easily as breathing. Helicopter parents still exist but the “soccer mom” thing was the realm of Generation Y – they really *did* get screwed in a lot of ways….

…and  – I couldn’t agree more. It’s not that older people need to curl up and die or anything, but damn, these kids ought to have not just ‘a voice’ – but their own voices. They’ll be here longer to suffer the consequences of today than we all will. They should have a say in it.

– and I agree: just going by the ones I see online, my ne, his friends, etc – they’re way more saavy and connected. Bombarded with all the same stuff we are, they’re in less of a protected shell and have strong opinions about things.

Strong potential for an activist generation.


Kudos to you man – I never had the balls to protest in person. had opportunities to march and protest but never did. I’ve always been a keyboard warrior.



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