I’m boring. Plymouth Rock / Revolution / 1812 / etc. A sex change and I could join the Daughters of the American Revolution. I still might without the change. Shake them up a bit. Boring Anglo-Saxon / Nordic so far. Not of the witch burning whites though so far: but time will tell as I continue investigating my roots…. although my roots appear to be New Jersey and Connecticut at least back to the 1600s. #boring


I’m boring. Plymouth Rock / Revolution / 1812 / etc. A sex change and I could join the Daughters of the American Revolution. I still might without the change. Shake them up a bit. Boring Anglo-Saxon / Nordic so far.

Not of the witch burning whites though so far: but time will tell as I continue investigating my roots…. although my roots appear to be New Jersey and Connecticut at least back to the 1600s. #boring


My Nordic line mostly gets merged. Njord Vanir, 210 AD, son of Odin apparently, and fed into the Kings/Queens of England or something, I dunno.

Might be a Swedish 20th great-grandmother that snuck in there or two, I dunno.


I’m also related to 40 out of the 42 presidents of the USA including Obama, every freakin’ King and Queen of England for the last 1200 years… even the current one…

…freakin’ boring. It gets worse: UGH.

It sucks ’cause NOW I’m pissed off. All these relations – where’s my money? Bunch of jerks.

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