I’m always simultaneously impressed and repulsed by effective advertising campaigns.


  • I’m always simultaneously impressed and repulsed by effective advertising campaigns.

    I’ve done graphics design (just for a year or two) when I was young, and then as a grown man, I’ve done my share of advertising and marketing as well.

    I’ve embraced the inner P.T. Barnum when I’ve had to .

    Yet, then there’s the side of me – the 8 yr old who first noticed the size difference between the kids and the amazing toy trucks they were selling. I was like, ‘These kids look like GIANTS and they just have the camera up REALLY CLOSE to the trucks to make them LOOK big! And I KNOW they’re really SMALL and don’t do all that”.

    Yet I wanted them, too. But when I saw them in real life and my Detective Brown mystery solver hunch was correct that it was bullshit, I found a greater satisfaction in _not_ getting them but by being right instead.

    Anyway, yeah. I’ll praise a great ad campaign while calling it bullshit simultaneously. The smarter the people are who fall for it, the more I will argue – even if I end up being wrong… because we can *all* get duped by magic words.
  • Kenneth Udut yuck. I just killed a mosquito that landed in my coffee (florida for ya). I fished it out and I’ll drink it anyway. But a little part of me is going to SWEAR I taste “yuck” from that mosquito, even though I consciously know the “flavor” effectively dispersed.

    Such is the power of imagination


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