It’s good that you and Seedy’s minds work similarly to each others. Mine doesn’t. I have to track down things to extreme precision on a regular basis and analyze every possible misinterpretation of a statement.
Am I a lawyer? No. I live in a house of grown women who fight and also have had to break up fights with kids and find out “what really happened”.
I can’t take things at face value. Impossible for me now. That part is broken and I have to analyze everything. I envy you and Seedy honestly. I always have to fill in context explicitly.
I’m allowed very few implicit assumptions.
Before I _speak_ I have to ask myself, “How can this get misinterpreted?”
Then I have to try to come up with a perfect set of words with no ambiguity, that could be understood by an angry 35 yr old woman or a 10 yr old kid. No Philosophers here. Not that what Seedy wrong is invalid; it’s not. But it’s incomplete. If it was obvious, how could I question it? Consider that. Your guys were trained alike that’s why you think alike, even if you went to different schools at different times.I see patterns but I might not see them the same way as you. When I was 10 years old, I failed repeatedly at “What is the author’s intent?”
I notice patterns but I noticed different ones that the test was expecting of me. I suspect I’m on the autistic spectrum, likely Aspergers, more and more.
Everything explicit. I’ll find patterns and I might even reach the same conclusions, but I’ll go about things a different route than most people, everytime. [usually I got as far away as I can, then come back, changed. ; every bit of research is an epic journey in itself, a Joseph Campbell Monomyth in the Quest fo Truth and I have to reevaluate fresh every time.