I’ll go in order. First comment:
It doesn’t comes down to “what someone thinks”. No no.
People think what they think. That’s a given.
What matters is what is DONE with what people THINK. What YOU SAY or what I SAY matters little except in debate.
But how does it affect REALITY?
It’s not about “nice words”. I’m not talking “nice words/mean words”. I’m talking what HAPPENS WITH words. Politics. LAW, Rights. Courts. Jail. Medical procedures. Death. Life.
2nd comment: same. It’s not about nice words/mean words. If that’s what your whole argument is about, then we’ve gone no place.
No, it’s about what’s done with words. Imprecision leads to poorly written laws that result in injustices performed. Precision with words makes a difference between the words used affects what legal and illegal in a society.