I’ll address your point. I just wanted it clear why _I_ shared it “in the particular” and not “in the general”. _In the General_, it absolutely depends on bias. Example: Somebody with an anti-vax slant will never see Dr. Fauci in a sympathetic light because they simply can’t; their personal stance is too far in for them to be able to do otherwise. Or if someone believes that George Soros is a bad person because (whatever reasons), it’s highly unlikely that it will be possible for them to really see how beneficial his investing strategies that he taught to the world have been since the mid 1990s and how his methods have ruled the world of investing for day traders in particular for the last 20 years. But neither example compares really: In the case of Ted K: He talked about attacking the strong but attacked the weak instead. His actions were contrary to the impression his words gave

I’ll address your point. I just wanted it clear why _I_ shared it “in the particular” and not “in the general”.
_In the General_, it absolutely depends on bias.
Example: Somebody with an anti-vax slant will never see Dr. Fauci in a sympathetic light because they simply can’t; their personal stance is too far in for them to be able to do otherwise.
Or if someone believes that George Soros is a bad person because (whatever reasons), it’s highly unlikely that it will be possible for them to really see how beneficial his investing strategies that he taught to the world have been since the mid 1990s and how his methods have ruled the world of investing for day traders in particular for the last 20 years.
But neither example compares really:
In the case of Ted K:
He talked about attacking the strong but attacked the weak instead.
His actions were contrary to the impression his words gave

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