I’d wanted to convey something SIMILAR to what Donna Haraway’s A Cyborg Manifesto was conveying (this is a cover of her book) from 1984 but I also never read it, only summaries and realized I would be intellectually dishonest if I used this as a cornerstone of my final project when I’d never read it. So I abandoned these poster ideas I used the AI for to attempt to convey my interpretation of what I feel that Donna Haraway was conveying or rather what she inspired for me even though I’d never read it.

I’d wanted to convey something SIMILAR to what Donna Haraway’s A Cyborg Manifesto was conveying (this is a cover of her book) from 1984 but I also never read it, only summaries and realized I would be intellectually dishonest if I used this as a cornerstone of my final project when I’d never read it. So I abandoned these poster ideas I used the AI for to attempt to convey my interpretation of what I feel that Donna Haraway was conveying or rather what she inspired for me even though I’d never read it.

[responsivevoice_button voice="US English Male"]

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