I will watch the video. Hang on: The issue must be with the term “determined”. When I say “determined”, I assume it implies “predictable”. When you say determined or Sabine presumably, do you mean predictable?

I will watch the video.
Hang on: The issue must be with the term “determined”.
When I say “determined”, I assume it implies “predictable”.
When you say determined or Sabine presumably, do you mean predictable?

It’s not “dictated-by”. They set ranges of allowable behaviors due to their corresponding natures but the emergent properties cannot be predicted – or directly dictated by individual units – they only exist with the collective behaviors and cease upon individuals.
That it all uses mathematical language is a bugaboo here;

It actually does end up with its own autonomy within its operating range.
It’s operating as a collective unit now, all of its constituents hemmed in by its object status, its object status following the rules that operate at its operating scale.
A billiard ball cannot change its trajectory because some quantum level parts are randomly behavior distinctly. They’re too darn small.
But the rubber wall of the billiard table WILL affect it because it’s operating at that scale with those rules.

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