I went to a college like that (first time around) and while I never participated in these kinds of group things, I was easily in line with what they were saying already (that’s why I picked it in high school for my college).

I went to a college like that (first time around) and while I never participated in these kinds of group things, I was easily in line with what they were saying already (that’s why I picked it in high school for my college).
If you listen closely though, the kids of South Park aren’t disagreeing with the college students and the college students are actively defining things they don’t have words for.
Basically what happens in that environment is you look back at your childhood and start realizing the construction of neighborhoods, villages, towns, cities, government, society – and see the flaws you ‘felt’ but couldn’t express.
So, like cosplaying Constitutionalists but with T-die shirts, they want to recreate society from scratch using whatever founding principals seem to suit them.
Anybody who says “we need to limit government” is actually perfectly in tune and in line with these characters.
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