I was raised Methodist, did a lot of church hopping from Bahai, Unitarian Universalist, Quaker, quite nearly went Roman Catholic, ended up Eastern Orthodox for six years… and then Mr. Science for a while. …and I only make fun of ridiculous Christians. As a kid, my mom called them “scary Christians”. And scary Christians deserve mocking because they are dangerous, mixing government and religion is generally bad news, at least in the USA, which is a secular nation and was founded to be secular. [separation of church and state was right in the beginning]. Part of the reason why the USA was founded to be a secular nation was because of abuses by early founders. The Puritans were Noahides — law of Moses was supreme. Much of that made it into the Constitution of the USA — but because having religious-run villages was a disaster over and over again in early village experiments, particularly in Massachusetts, the founders did not want a repeat of that stuff.

I was raised Methodist, did a lot of church hopping from Bahai, Unitarian Universalist, Quaker, quite nearly went Roman Catholic, ended up Eastern Orthodox for six years… and then Mr. Science for a while.

…and I only make fun of ridiculous Christians. As a kid, my mom called them “scary Christians”. And scary Christians deserve mocking because they are dangerous, mixing government and religion is generally bad news, at least in the USA, which is a secular nation and was founded to be secular. [separation of church and state was right in the beginning].

Part of the reason why the USA was founded to be a secular nation was because of abuses by early founders. The Puritans were Noahides — law of Moses was supreme.

Much of that made it into the Constitution of the USA — but because having religious-run villages was a disaster over and over again in early village experiments, particularly in Massachusetts, the founders did not want a repeat of that stuff.


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