I understand your preferences here but I’m really just trying to get a handle on this phenomenon. I remember some people adored each president and some people not liking each President. That’s normal. And I’m not even thinking of the people who get the tattoos on them and stuff; people get tattoos of anything on themselves and for them, Trump is just like an Emo band or Nirvana or whatever. I remember that with Bernie Sanders too. And I understand that some people believe that America is a Christian nation and needs to return to basic values, etc. etc. But it’s _this_ level of things that specifically, really baffles me. Long after Trump is dead, this kind of thing will continue. I mean, he’s “made it”; whatever he does now doesn’t even matter as he has a large amount of folks now for life. But why? Like, what does he represent for them? I’m gonna use a rare everyone on this because it has baffled me for 9 years now and maybe _somebody_ has a clue.

 I understand your preferences here but I’m really just trying to get a handle on this phenomenon.
I remember some people adored each president and some people not liking each President. That’s normal.
And I’m not even thinking of the people who get the tattoos on them and stuff; people get tattoos of anything on themselves and for them, Trump is just like an Emo band or Nirvana or whatever. I remember that with Bernie Sanders too.
And I understand that some people believe that America is a Christian nation and needs to return to basic values, etc. etc.
But it’s _this_ level of things that specifically, really baffles me.
Long after Trump is dead, this kind of thing will continue. I mean, he’s “made it”; whatever he does now doesn’t even matter as he has a large amount of folks now for life.
But why? Like, what does he represent for them?
I’m gonna use a rare everyone on this because it has baffled me for 9 years now and maybe _somebody_ has a clue.
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